MORINGA BIO au Togo : INNOCORP Sarl producteur et exportateur

certification ecocert des produits d'INNOCORP Sarl
certification ecocert des produits d'INNOCORP Sarl
certification ecocert des produits d'INNOCORP Sarl


INNOCORP Sarl TOGO exploite le Moringa depuis une vingtaine d’années au Togo, sur des terres extrêmement fertiles, permettant d’obtenir la meilleur qualité de Moringa au monde. Une soixantaine d’hectares sont dédiés à cette plante dont la demande est en forte croissance. Nous maîtrisons les différentes (...)

  1. The organic transformation of MORINGA OLEIFERA

    INNOCORP Sarl TOGO has the expertise, certifications and authorizations necessary to transform the MORINGA into several finished products. But the most common and most requested products are those mentioned here :
    * Dried leaf powder :
    Rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, the leaves of MORINGA, converted into powder, improve the nutrition of children and nursing mothers, treat diabetes as well as digestive and respiratory disorders. To obtain powder from moringa leaves here are the key steps :
    - Step 1 : The leaves are harvested before sunrise ;
    - Step 2 : Separate the leaflets from the petioles and wash the leaflets ;
    - Step 3 : Dry out of the sun or in a dryer (Max 30 °) ;
    - Step 4 : Crush or crush and carefully sift.
    * MORINGA Seed Powder :
    - Allow the pods to dry on the tree and pick them up once dry ;
    - Then remove the seeds from the pods ;
    - Once the oil has been extracted from the seed when it is cold, the waste (MORINGA seed powder) is used for water purification and water purification. The amount of ground seeds required for water treatment will depend on the amount of suspended solids it contains. Example : for 1l of water, add 50 grams of MORINGA seeds. Leave in contact for 30 minutes shaking occasionally and finally filter the water for use.
    * MORINGA leaf tea :
    Preparation of tea bags : Dry leaves and twigs of moringa for use as an infusion.
    * MORINGA seed oil :
    Crush MORINGA seeds and boil them in water.
    Remove the foam that rises to the surface using a skimmer.
    One liter of oil is obtained with 4 kg of moringa seeds. This oil is used for cooking and making cosmetics.
    Contact INNOCORP Sarl TOGO for more information.
    According to the need on the market, INNOCORP Sarl is increasing the transformation structures ; so do not hesitate to submit your request, we will discuss and find a solution.
    NB : INNOCORP Sarl gives an idea of ​​the mentioned processes, it is recommended to contact us for more information. Health is priceless.